
Stories and Discussions on Human Development, Culture & Tradition | वृक्षमंदिर से कथा, संवाद एवं विमर्श विकास संस्कृति तथा परंपरा पर

Category: Agriculture

  • किसानी की व्यथा कथा

    एक २००८ विडियो क्लिप यहाँ लिंक कर रहा हूँ। फ़ेसबुक पर था । कुछ दिन पहले अचानक मिल गया। यह विडियो उस समय का है जब मैं गाँव अक्सर हर दो तीन महीने में एक बार हो आता था। सोचा था रिटायर होकर वहीं रहूंगा। पर ऐसा हुआ नहीं। कुछ मित्रों का भी कहना था…

  • Sad day for India’s Small and Marginal Farmers. Is there an alternative?

      Friday, the 19th November 2021, the day when Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his decision to repeal the three historical Farm Laws shall be remembered by millions of underprivileged Indian farmers as the darkest day in their life. They will feel cheated, abandoned and thrown under the bus by a daring Prime Minister, who…

  • The humble giant, guru of Dr Kurien who would insist on paying for photocopying of personal documents

    The humble giant, guru of Dr Kurien who would insist on paying for photocopying of personal documents

    BM Vyas former Managing Director, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation ( Amul) Bharatbhai had posted this on his blog site in 2013. There has not been much written about Shri Tribhuvandas K Patel on Vrikshamandir. RK Nagar had written a blog “The Humble Giant” for Vrikshamandir last year. G Rajan also wrote a blog “…

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